The Sin by Silence Bill team has some incredible new advocates with the six nursing students from California State University of Long Beach who started their own “Student Nurses for Sin by Silence” blog to focused on sharing the impact of AB 593. As they state…
“We, as soon to be healthcare providers, understand the physical, emotional, and psychological effects to those women who are battered, and are passionate in advocating for their denied rights. One of the ways we are doing so, is by creating this blog in hopes to help bring awareness and different insights about women who have suffered and/or are suffering from domestic violence.”
These young ladies are incredible! Not only are they making an impact on the web, they are inspiring change in their own community and on their own campus by even hosting a teen dating violence awareness workshop. Just recently they even started the conversation with their local Senator to ensure that he voted in favor of helping the incarcerated battered women of California.
I just want to thank you for posting this on your web page. I am so very proud of the work that the students have done on behalf of AB593/1593. They are excellent examples of what each one of us can do to make a better life for somebody else. I agree, these young women are incredible! I am honored to have been part of their lives – and I am privileged to welcome them into the profession of nursing as my colleagues. I have learned so much from them about the plight of the women who have a chance for a new beginning with the passage of this bill. I wanted post this here to publicly acknowledge these young women and the work they have done. Thanks for letting me do that. Melody (very proud instructor)